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Crafting Your

CBD Branding

Introducing CBD HEADZ, a California-based beverage company. Centered around the bright, cheerful vibe of So-Cal sunsets. Below you’ll find the story of the project creation, from early sketches to the finished product. It's totally rad!
A dream project! So fun. So chill. So refreshing. This was a passion project, just for fun from our creative brains to this page.

Discovery & Strategy

We build out the brand persona and a mock-up creative brief. Then we start sketching the logo and how to make it stand out amongst CBD brands.

The main drive is the logo/ brand name, imagery of the font being candy-like, or feeling of "juiciness punch your face, it's so refreshing". Making sure to match the center theme to include multiple flavors and different colors.

The idea of mythical creatures was born with the ideation of the word "HEADZ". Next, we developed a small series of creatures that focused on the illustration of the creature's head.

The candy-like illustrated word "Headz" was a hard contrast that did not match the illustration. So we opted for a more simple font stack with large illustrations.

Design & Exploration

We started the development of various creatures and wanted to ensure the look and feel were similar in style across the board. The creatures could live in the same world, without there being too many styles.

The style allowed for crisp color gradients and clear imagery that doesn't rely on a deeper meaning. After all, they are creepy monster heads that are looking to party!

We developed the brand illustration by adding another mythical creature and a different color palette that would still match the theme of the first design. The most important pieces of the design allowed for consistent copy on a beverage can.

Finally, we could mock this up on a can and other various other products within the branding (t-shirts, hats, coozies, etc).

Creativity + CBD

This brand was chill! We created a versatile and responsive CBD beverage brand that we’re proud of. Beverage package branding is a fun way to experiment, stretch our skills, and test possible packaging design concepts we can use on other projects.